

這篇文章將為大家詳細(xì)講解有關(guān)linux中怎么增量增量傳輸MySQL binlog日志,文章內(nèi)容質(zhì)量較高,因此小編分享給大家做個(gè)參考,希望大家閱讀完這篇文章后對(duì)相關(guān)知識(shí)有一定的了解。


在實(shí)際的工作中我們遇到了一個(gè)問(wèn)題,MYSQL 5.5 我們備份使用的mysqldump,然后每天傳輸?shù)膫浞莸絺浞輽C(jī)器,但是binlog卻不好傳輸主要要考慮幾個(gè)問(wèn)題:
1、binlog 沒(méi)法取時(shí)間,按照什么規(guī)則來(lái)傳?
如 mysqlbin.000001

那么有了上面的問(wèn)題,如何解決?也許shell腳本能夠完成,但是我選擇使用C/C++ 和LINUX系統(tǒng)函數(shù) opendir readdir lstat來(lái)完成
TIME_TAG=`date +%Y%m%d`
/root/ftptool/tool  /dbdata/data/  /root/ftptool/ mysql-bin > tool_${TIME_TAG}.log
if [ $? != 0  ]; then
    echo "tool failed"
    echo "tool sucess!"
cat /root/ftptool/ftphead > /root/ftptool/ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh
cat /root/ftptool/${TIME_TAG} >> /root/ftptool/ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh
cat /root/ftptool/ftptail >> /root/ftptool/ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh

chmod 755 /root/ftptool/ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh
sh /root/ftptool/ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh
1、ftphead --這個(gè)很簡(jiǎn)單自己寫明白ip 用戶名密碼就好了,如下:

ftp -i -v -n<< EOF
open 192.168.*.*
user mysql ****
cd /backup/mysql
2、 ftptail  這個(gè)更簡(jiǎn)單
3、cat ${TIME_TAG}
這部分是我自己寫的工具tool 生成的
Usage:./tool binlogdir ftpdir binlogprefix
需要一個(gè)binlog目錄 一個(gè)ftp目錄和binlong的前綴
binlog目錄不用多說(shuō)是binlog的所在目錄,需要以/結(jié)尾比如 /mysql/data/不能是/mysql/data 否則拋錯(cuò)error 20 binlogdir Must End With /

tmp文件用于存放當(dāng)前取到的最大的binlog序號(hào),如果不存在可以新建一個(gè),如果不新建拋錯(cuò)error 15 tmp file not found
如果想再次全部傳輸刪除tmp文件新建一個(gè)空的就可以比如touch tmp
這個(gè)ftp目錄同樣必須使用/結(jié)尾 否則拋錯(cuò)error 21 ftpdir Must End With /

binlogprefix 就是你的前綴比如mysql-bin

cat ftphead > ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh
cat ${TIME_TAG} >> ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh
cat ftptail >> ftp_${TIME_TAG}.sh
另外tool工具會(huì)輸出一些信息,當(dāng)然可以關(guān)閉,這些輸出信息我重定向到了 tool_${TIME_TAG}.log
WARNING:Ftpdir Less Than 1000 Char!
PROCESS:Create Chain Now:
INFO:Current Binog Dir Is :/dbdata/
PROCESS:Checkbin Binlogprefix: mysql-bin
................. 這里省略很多
PROCESS:Print chain info
................. 這里省略很多
PROCESS:Now Acc Ftpdir:
INFO:Ftp_scirpt fun time:
Wed Jul 13 14:44:13 2016
INFO:Ftp_scirpt Fun Tmpfile :/root/ftptool/tmp
INFO:Tmpfile Write Mode Succ!
INFO:Ftp_Scirpt Fun Tmp_max_st:0 Max_st_1:2028:
INFO:Scan Put Counter :163
INFO:Current Max Binlog-1 is:2028
PROCESS:Free Node Is:164

最后釋放了鏈表節(jié)點(diǎn)164個(gè).同事你的tmp文件目錄也會(huì)輸出,binglog 的目錄也會(huì)輸出.

error 10 open bindbr error
error 11 argv parameter error
eroor 12 not find binlog
error 14 fptdir open error
error 15 tmp file not found
error 16 lstat tmp file error
error 18 tmp file write error
error 20 binlogdir Must End With /
error 21 ftpdir Must End With /
當(dāng)然成功放回 0

編譯使用 g++ main.cpp mybin.cpp -o tool 即可 注意本工具使用了LINUX系統(tǒng)函數(shù)所以必須是LINUX系統(tǒng)或者其他滿足posix標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的系統(tǒng)不包含windows
在LINUX下編譯沒(méi)有問(wèn)題。有什么問(wèn)題可以聯(lián)系QQ 22389860.


  1. /*************************************************************************

  2.   > File Name: mbin.h

  3.   > Author: gaopeng

  4.   > Mail: gaopp_200217@163.com

  5.   > Created Time: Tue 02 Aug 2016 05:57:27 PM CST

  6.  ************************************************************************/

  7. #include<iostream>

  8. #define _DEG

  9. using namespace std;

  10. typedef unsigned char uchar;

  11. typedef unsigned long ulong;

  12. typedef unsigned int uint;

  13. typedef unsigned short ushort;

  14. typedef struct data

  15. {

  16.     char* file_name;

  17.     char* path_name;

  18.     char* full_name;

  19.     ulong file_st;

  20.     uint  nuse;

  21. } DATA;

  22. typedef struct f_node

  23. {

  24.     struct f_node *next;

  25.     DATA* data;

  26. } F_NODE;

  27. typedef struct quence

  28. {

  29.     F_NODE* first;

  30.     F_NODE* last;

  31.     int items;

  32. } QUE;

  33. uint checkbin(const char* file_name,const char* binprefix);

  34. F_NODE* create_que(const char *bindir,const char* binprefix);

  35. QUE* ini_que(void);

  36. void show( F_NODE* const frs_nd);

  37. void ins_chan(const char* f_name,const char* p_name,const char* ful_name,QUE * que);

  38. ulong  char_to_num(const char* file_name);

  39. void time_to_time(char* ltime,char* mytime);

  40. void ftp_script(const char* ftp_dir,F_NODE* frs_nd);

  41. int get_max_st(F_NODE* const frs_nd);

  42. ulong readtmp(FILE *fd,const char* tmpdir);

  43. int myfree(F_NODE* const frs_nd);

  44. uint checkdir(const char* mychar);


  1. /*************************************************************************

  2.   > File Name: main.cpp

  3.   > Author: gaopeng

  4.   > Mail: gaopp_200217@163.com

  5.   > Created Time: Tue 02 Aug 2016 05:58:15 PM CST

  6.  ************************************************************************/

  7. #include<iostream>

  8. #include<iostream>

  9. #include<stdio.h>

  10. #include <sys/types.h>

  11. #include <dirent.h>

  12. #include <string.h>

  13. #include"mbin.h"

  14. #include <stdlib.h>

  15. using namespace std;

  16. int main(int argc,char *argv[])

  17. {

  18.     F_NODE* frs_nd=0;

  19.     int freeno =0;

  20.     printf("%s\n","Usage:./tool binlogdir ftpdir binlogprefix");

  21.     if(argc<4)

  22.     {

  23.         cout<<"ERROR(9):Parameter Error Like:"<<endl;

  24.         printf("%s\n","Usage:./tool binlogdir ftpdir binlogprefix");

  25.         exit(9);

  26.     }

  27.     if(checkdir(argv[1]) == 1)

  28.     {

  29.         cout<<"ERROR(20):binlogdir Must End With /"<<endl;

  30.         exit(20);

  31.     }

  32.     if(checkdir(argv[2]) == 1)

  33.     {

  34.         cout<<"ERROR(21):ftpdir Must End With /"<<endl;

  35.         exit(21);

  36.     }

  37.     printf("WARNING:Ftpdir Less Than 1000 Char!\n");

  38.     printf("PROCESS:Create Chain Now:\n");

  39.     frs_nd = create_que(argv[1],argv[3]);

  40.     cout<<"PROCESS:Print chain info"<<endl;

  41.     show(frs_nd);

  42.     cout<<"PROCESS:Now Acc Ftpdir:"<<endl;

  43.     ftp_script(argv[2], frs_nd);


  45.     freeno = myfree(frs_nd);

  46.     cout<<"PROCESS:Free Node Is:"<<freeno<<endl;

  47. return 0;

  48. }


  1. /*************************************************************************

  2.   > File Name: mybin.cpp

  3.   > Author: gaopeng

  4.   > Mail: gaopp_200217@163.com

  5.   > Created Time: Tue 02 Aug 2016 05:57:34 PM CST

  6.  ************************************************************************/

  7. #include<iostream>

  8. #include "mbin.h"

  9. #include <sys/types.h>

  10. #include <sys/stat.h>

  11. #include <unistd.h>

  12. #include <time.h>

  13. #include <stdio.h>

  14. #include <stdlib.h>

  15. #include <string.h>

  16. #include <dirent.h>

  17. #include <math.h>

  18. using namespace std;

  19. QUE* ini_que(void)

  20. {

  21.     QUE* que = new QUE;

  22.     que->first =0;

  23.     que->last =0;

  24.     que->items =0;

  25.     return que;

  26. }

  27. void ins_chan(const char* f_name,const char* p_name,const char* ful_name,QUE * que)

  28. {

  29.     F_NODE *add = new F_NODE; //inital node pointer

  30.     DATA *name = new DATA; //inital data pointer

  31.     name->file_name = new char[strlen(f_name)+5];

  32.     name->path_name = new char[strlen(p_name)+5];

  33.     name->full_name = new char[strlen(ful_name)+5];

  34.     //init mem

  35.     memset(name->file_name,0,strlen(f_name)+5);

  36.     memset(name->path_name,0,strlen(p_name)+5);

  37.     memset(name->full_name,0,strlen(ful_name)+5);

  38.     name->file_st = char_to_num(f_name);

  39.     name->nuse = 0;

  40.     strcpy(name->file_name,f_name);

  41.     strcpy(name->path_name,p_name);

  42.     strcpy(name->full_name,ful_name);

  43.     add->next =0;

  44.     add->data = name;

  45.     if( que->items==0)

  46.     {

  47.         que->first =add;

  48.         que->last =add;

  49.         que->items++;

  50.     }

  51.     else

  52.     {

  53.         que->last->next = add;

  54.         que->last = add;

  55.         que->items++;

  56.     }

  57. }

  58. F_NODE* create_que(const char *bindir,const char* binprefix)

  59. {

  60.     struct dirent *DirEntry=0;

  61.     DIR* Dir=0;

  62.     QUE* myq=0;

  63.     uint nob=0; //check if binlog find

  64.     myq = ini_que();

  65.     F_NODE* frs_nd =0;

  66.     if( !(Dir = opendir(bindir)))

  67.     {

  68.         perror("ERROR(10):Open Binlog Dir Error:");

  69.         exit(10);

  70.     }

  71.     else

  72.     {

  73.         printf("INFO:Current Binog Dir Is :%s\n",bindir);

  74.         while( DirEntry = readdir(Dir))

  75.         {

  76.             if(DirEntry->d_type == DT_REG && checkbin(DirEntry->d_name,binprefix) == 1)            

  77.             {

  78.                 nob++;

  79. #ifdef _DEG

  80.                 printf("%s%s\n",bindir,DirEntry->d_name);

  81. #endif

  82.                 char *tloop = new char[strlen(bindir) + strlen(DirEntry->d_name)+5];

  83.                 strcat(strcat(tloop,bindir),DirEntry->d_name); //bindir like /test/test/test/ last / is must

  84.                 ins_chan(DirEntry->d_name,bindir,tloop,myq);

  85.                 delete [] tloop;

  86.             }

  87.         }

  88.         closedir(Dir);

  89.         if(nob == 0)

  90.         {

  91.             printf("WARNING:No Bin Log Find!!\n");

  92.             delete myq;

  93.             exit(12);

  94.         }

  95.     }

  96.     frs_nd = myq->first;

  97.     delete myq;

  98.     return frs_nd;

  99. }

  100. uint checkbin(const char* file_name,const char* binprefix)

  101. {

  102.     uint lenprefix = strlen(binprefix); //exp 5

  103.     uint filelen = strlen(file_name);

  104.     uint i;

  105.     uint t;

  106.     char tmpfix[strlen(binprefix)+1]; //exp strlen(binprefix)+1 =6

  107.     memset(tmpfix,0,strlen(binprefix)+1);

  108.     for(i=0;i<=lenprefix-1;i++) //exp lenprefix-1=4

  109.     {

  110.         tmpfix[i]=file_name[i]; //5 char copy tmpfix[0-4]

  111.     }

  112.     tmpfix[lenprefix]='\0'; //tmpfix[5] = '\0'

  113. #ifdef _DEG

  114.     cout<<"PROCESS:Checkbin Binlogprefix: "<<tmpfix<<endl;

  115. #endif

  116.     if(!strcmp(tmpfix,binprefix)) //check prefix eq tmpfix

  117.     {

  118.         for(t=(filelen-1);t>=(filelen-6);t--) //exp filelen-1=10 filelen-6=5

  119.         {

  120.             if(file_name[t]<48 || file_name[t]>57 ) //check 000000

  121.             {

  122.                 return 0;

  123.             }

  124.         }

  125.         if(file_name[filelen-7] !='.') //check . of .000000

  126.         {

  127.             return 0;

  128.         }

  129.     }

  130.     else

  131.     {

  132.         return 0;

  133.     }

  134.     return 1;

  135. }

  136. void show( F_NODE* const frs_nd)

  137. {

  138.     F_NODE* scan_nd = frs_nd;

  139.     do {

  140.         if(!scan_nd->next)

  141.         {

  142.             break;

  143.         }

  144.         printf("INFO:%s,%s,%s,%lu,%u\n",scan_nd->data->file_name,scan_nd->data->path_name,scan_nd->data->full_name,scan_nd->data->file_st,scan_nd->data->nuse);

  145.         scan_nd = scan_nd->next;

  146.     } while(scan_nd->next);

  147.     printf("INFO:%s,%s,%s,%lu,%u\n",scan_nd->data->file_name,scan_nd->data->path_name,scan_nd->data->full_name,scan_nd->data->file_st,scan_nd->data->nuse);

  148. }

  149. ulong  char_to_num(const char* file_name)

  150. {

  151.     uint len = strlen(file_name);

  152.     uint i;

  153.     ulong num=0;

  154.     uint chk=0;

  155.     for(i=(len-1);i>0;i--)

  156.     {

  157.         if(file_name[i]>=48 && file_name[i]<=57)

  158.         {

  159.             num = (ulong)(file_name[i] - 48)*(ulong)pow(10,chk)+num;

  160.             chk++;

  161.         }

  162.     }

  163.     return num;

  164. }

  165. void time_to_time(char* ltime,char* mytime)

  166. {

  167.     char buffer[10];

  168.     buffer[0] = ltime[4];

  169.     buffer[1] = ltime[5];

  170.     buffer[2] = ltime[6];

  171.     buffer[3] = '\0';

  172.     mytime[0]=ltime[20];

  173.     mytime[1]=ltime[21];

  174.     mytime[2]=ltime[22];

  175.     mytime[3]=ltime[23];

  176.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Jan"))

  177.     {

  178.         mytime[4]='0';

  179.         mytime[5]='1';

  180.     }

  181.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Feb"))

  182.     {

  183.         mytime[4]='0';

  184.         mytime[5]='2';

  185.     }

  186.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Mar"))

  187.     {

  188.         mytime[4]='0';

  189.         mytime[5]='3';

  190.     }

  191.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Apr"))

  192.     {

  193.         mytime[4]='0';

  194.         mytime[5]='4';

  195.     }

  196.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"May"))

  197.     {

  198.         mytime[4]='0';

  199.         mytime[5]='5';

  200.     }

  201.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Jun"))

  202.     {

  203.         mytime[4]='0';

  204.         mytime[5]='6';

  205.     }

  206.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Jul"))

  207.     {

  208.         mytime[4]='0';

  209.         mytime[5]='7';

  210.     }

  211.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Aug"))

  212.     {

  213.         mytime[4]='0';

  214.         mytime[5]='8';

  215.     }

  216.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Sep"))

  217.     {

  218.         mytime[4]='0';

  219.         mytime[5]='9';

  220.     }

  221.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Oct"))

  222.     {

  223.         mytime[4]='1';

  224.         mytime[5]='0';

  225.     }

  226.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Nov"))

  227.     {

  228.         mytime[4]='1';

  229.         mytime[5]='1';

  230.     }

  231.     if(!strcmp(buffer,"Dec"))

  232.     {

  233.         mytime[4]='1';

  234.         mytime[5]='2';

  235.     }

  236.     if(ltime[8]<48 ||ltime[8]>57)

  237.     {

  238.         mytime[6]=48;

  239.     }

  240.     else

  241.     {

  242.         mytime[6]=ltime[8];

  243.     }

  244.     mytime[7]=ltime[9];

  245.     mytime[8]='\0';

  246. }

  247. void ftp_script(const char* ftp_dir,F_NODE* frs_nd)

  248. {

  249.     time_t now;

  250.     F_NODE* scan_nd = frs_nd;

  251.     struct tm* nowtm;

  252.     FILE* ftp=0;

  253.     FILE* tmp=0;

  254.     char timebuf[40];

  255.     char mytime[25];

  256.     char myftpdir[1000];

  257.     char tmpdir[1000];

  258.     ulong tmp_max_st;

  259.     ulong max_st_1;

  260.     int i=0;

  261.     int freeno=0;

  262.     memset(timebuf,0,40);

  263.     memset(mytime,0,40);

  264.     time(&now);

  265.     nowtm = localtime(&now);

  266.     asctime_r(nowtm,timebuf);

  267.     time_to_time(timebuf,mytime);

  268. #ifdef _DEG

  269.     printf("INFO:Ftp_scirpt fun time:\n%s%s\n",timebuf,mytime);

  270. #endif

  271.     memset(myftpdir,0,1000);

  272.     if((ftp=fopen(strcat(strcat(myftpdir,ftp_dir),mytime),"w"))==NULL)

  273.     {

  274.         perror("ERROR(14):Ftpdir open error:");

  275.         freeno=myfree(frs_nd);

  276.         cout<<"PROCESS:Free Mem:Free Node Is:"<<freeno<<endl;

  277.         exit(14);

  278.     }

  279.     memset(tmpdir,0,1000);

  280.     if((tmp=fopen(strcat(strcat(tmpdir,ftp_dir),"tmp"),"r"))==NULL)

  281.     {

  282.         printf("ERROR(15):No Tmp File Found,Please Create it frist!\n");

  283.         freeno=myfree(frs_nd);

  284.         cout<<"PROCESS:Free Mem:Free Node Is:"<<freeno<<endl;

  285.         exit(15);

  286.     }

  287.     else

  288.     {

  289. #ifdef _DEG

  290.         printf("INFO:Ftp_scirpt Fun Tmpfile :%s\n",tmpdir);

  291. #endif

  292.         tmp_max_st=readtmp(tmp,tmpdir);    

  293.     }

  294.     memset(tmpdir,0,1000);

  295.     if((tmp=fopen(strcat(strcat(tmpdir,ftp_dir),"tmp"),"w"))==NULL)

  296.     {

  297.         printf("ERROR:Have No Write Privi In %s?\n",tmpdir);

  298.         perror("ERROR(18):Tmpfile Open W Error:");

  299.         freeno=myfree(frs_nd);

  300.         cout<<"PROCESS:Free Mem:Free Node Is:"<<freeno<<endl;

  301.         exit(18);

  302.     }

  303.     else

  304.     {

  305.         printf("INFO:Tmpfile Write Mode Succ!\n");

  306.     }

  307.     max_st_1 = get_max_st(frs_nd) - 1;

  308.     printf("INFO:Ftp_Scirpt Fun Tmp_max_st:%lu Max_st_1:%lu:\n",tmp_max_st,max_st_1);    

  309.     do{

  310.         if(!scan_nd->next)

  311.         {

  312.             break;

  313.         }

  314.         if(scan_nd->data->file_st > tmp_max_st && scan_nd->data->file_st <= max_st_1)

  315.         {

  316.             i++;

  317.             fputs("put ",ftp);

  318.             fputs(scan_nd->data->full_name,ftp);

  319.             fputs(" ",ftp);

  320.             fputs(scan_nd->data->file_name,ftp);

  321.             fputs("\n",ftp);

  322.         }

  323.         scan_nd = scan_nd->next;

  324.     }while(scan_nd->next);

  325.     if(scan_nd->data->file_st > tmp_max_st && scan_nd->data->file_st <= max_st_1)

  326.     {

  327.         i++;

  328.         fputs("put ",ftp);

  329.         fputs(scan_nd->data->full_name,ftp);

  330.         fputs(" ",ftp);

  331.         fputs(scan_nd->data->file_name,ftp);

  332.         fputs("\n",ftp);

  333.     }

  334.     printf("INFO:Scan Put Counter :%d\n",i);

  335.     if(i == 0)

  336.     {

  337.         printf("INFO:Read Max Binlog From Temp is :%lu\n",tmp_max_st);

  338.         fprintf(tmp,"%lu",tmp_max_st);

  339.         fputs("\n",tmp);

  340.     }

  341.     else

  342.     {

  343.         printf("INFO:Current Max Binlog-1 is:%lu\n",max_st_1);

  344.         fprintf(tmp,"%lu",max_st_1);

  345.         fputs("\n",tmp);

  346.     }

  347.     fclose(ftp);

  348.     fclose(tmp);

  349. }

  350. int get_max_st(F_NODE* const frs_nd)

  351. {

  352.     F_NODE* scan_nd = frs_nd;    

  353.     ulong max_st=0;

  354.     do {

  355.         if(!scan_nd->next)

  356.         {

  357.             break;

  358.         }

  359.         if(scan_nd->data->file_st > max_st)

  360.         {

  361.             max_st = scan_nd->data->file_st;

  362.         }

  363.         scan_nd = scan_nd->next;

  364.     }while(scan_nd->next);

  365.     if(scan_nd->data->file_st > max_st)

  366.     {

  367.         max_st = scan_nd->data->file_st;

  368.     }

  369.     return max_st;

  370. }

  371. ulong readtmp(FILE *fd,const char* tmpdir)

  372. {

  373.     struct stat buf;

  374.     ulong max_st = 0;

  375.     if(lstat(tmpdir, &buf) < 0)

  376.     {

  377.         perror("ERROR(16):Lstat Error:");

  378.         exit(16);

  379.     }

  380.     if(buf.st_size == 0)

  381.     {

  382.         max_st = 0;

  383.     }

  384.     else

  385.     {

  386.         fscanf(fd,"%lu",&max_st);

  387.         /*

  388.          if(max_st == 0)

  389.          {

  390.            printf("Tmp File Is Bad ?\n");

  391.          exit(17);

  392.          }

  393.          */

  394.     }

  395.     return max_st;

  396. }

  397. int myfree(F_NODE* const frs_nd)

  398. {

  399.     F_NODE* scan_nd = frs_nd;

  400.     F_NODE* cur_nd = 0;

  401.     int i = 0;

  402.     do{

  403.         cur_nd = scan_nd;

  404.         if(!scan_nd->next)

  405.         {

  406.             free(cur_nd->data->file_name);

  407.             free(cur_nd->data->path_name);

  408.             free(cur_nd->data->full_name);

  409.             free(cur_nd->data);

  410.             free(cur_nd);

  411.             i++;

  412.             return i;

  413.         }

  414.         scan_nd = scan_nd->next;

  415.         free(cur_nd->data->file_name);

  416.         free(cur_nd->data->path_name);

  417.         free(cur_nd->data->full_name);

  418.         free(cur_nd->data);

  419.         free(cur_nd);

  420.         i++;

  421.     }while(scan_nd->next);

  422.     free(scan_nd->data->file_name);

  423.     free(scan_nd->data->path_name);

  424.     free(scan_nd->data->full_name);

  425.     free(scan_nd->data);

  426.     free(scan_nd);

  427.     i++;

  428.     return i;

  429. }

  430. uint checkdir(const char* mychar)

  431. {

  432.     uint len = strlen(mychar);

  433.     if(mychar[len-1] == '/' )

  434.     {

  435.         return 0;

  436.     }

  437.     else

  438.     {

  439.         return 1;

  440.     }

  441. }

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