Network so developed today, online business is a big trend, now the site, store innumerable, also reflects the site competition is fierce, want to occupy a space for one person in the fierce competition, we should strive to optimize update website, improve website weight, included, rankings and PR. This will improve the weight and website ranking, analyze the webmaster should pay attention to the details, and combined with the actual situation of their own business web site to share.
Web Producer 建設網站前一定要做一個不錯的策劃案,要細分網站的域名、空間、
We must make a good plan construction site, the domain name of the website, the space segment, website production procedure, to every place to plan it, only in this way can we in the construction site to play season-to-season turnaround, otherwise it will be eliminated by the network. A website I before construction, but also spent one thousand yuan to buy the site program, we found that this procedure can only be the team to run effect is good, a person simply impossible, so I gave up the original program. Now the choice is open source forum, perhaps this is the most appropriate.
The layout structure網站的布局對網站權重及收錄有很大的影響,網站在上線前一定要布局好網站的首面和內頁,若布局不好就能得到引擎的認可,發展壯大網站就不能談了。
The layout of the website has a great influence on the website weight and included, site in online before must layout good website head cover and inside pages, if the layout is not good can get engine recognition, development site will not be talked about.
The optimized content網站內容也許是很讓人頭疼的,但是對于我來說內容其實不難,做高質量的文章簡直是綽綽有余。為了解決大家的原創文章,我教一種方法給大家,如果你是做護膚產品的,那么百度搜索你的關鍵字,顯示出來的內容在百度首頁上都是對于用戶有用的,你可以把所有的文章進行總結與歸納,以用戶為中心,為用戶的需求為目的而作文,進行深度的偽原創,一般都是可以達到妙收的(當然要有外鏈的推動,下面會講)。在寫原創文章不要寫一些不是太相關的在網站上面更新,要做到寧缺勿濫!
Website content may be very annoying, but for me it's content is not difficult, do the high quality of the article is more than sufficient. In order to solve all of the original article, I teach a method to you, if you are to do skin care products, then Baidu search your keyword, display content in baidu home page are helpful for the user, you can put all the articles and summarizes, take the customer as the center, for the user the demand for the purpose of composition, depth of the pseudo original, generally can achieve wonderful collection (of course, promotion, the chain below speak). In writing original article don't write some not too relevant updates on the website, do not to choose at random!
Pure article純凈化也就是我們沒有必要為了某個關鍵字的錨文本而強加到文章內,多了會讓百度反感,這也許是很多網站內容不收錄的原因之一,一般我們先做一個關鍵字,先優化一個再優化另一個關鍵字,做到一個頁面保持一個網址鏈接,也就是首頁網站。
Purification is not necessary for us to anchor text on a keyword and strong to the article, many will let Baidu antipathy, perhaps this is one reason many website content not included, generally we do a keyword optimization, first a reoptimization another keyword, do a page to keep a URL link, also is the home page of the site.
Outside the chain of quality and quantity
Of course, this concept for the novice, is very difficult to achieve, but focus on the outside of the chain of the website early is necessary, to the web site later will pay attention to quality, and thus the stability of rankings, of course, human resource is much, the quality and quantity of binding, then that's good.
Exchange friendship當你的網站收錄后,網站的更新與外鏈的堅持,是我們每天必須做的事,尋找友情鏈接也是我們必須要做的,一個好的友情鏈接對于排名與權重的提升是有莫大的好處的。友情鏈接一般交換快照新(網站才有機會被搜索引擎爬?。⑹珍浂啵▽υ摼W站的認可)、以及對方友情鏈接的量(一般超過30個就不要換,權重傳遞少),如果你的是新站那就要靠自己的人脈。
When your site included, update and the chain website insists, is the day we have to do, find the links is what we must do, a good links is a great advantage for the rankings and weight lifting. General exchange links in the new (sites would have the chance to be crawling search engine), included many (on the site's approval), as well as other links quantity (more than 30 do not change, less weight transfer), if you are the new that will depend on your network.
The domain name space空間穩定比什么都好,好的空間會讓站長省事一半,常說穩定的空間是網站成功的關鍵,我也這么認為的,若你是企業好選擇國內的,因為企業備案方便。個人網站備案有些難,特別是個人論壇更是難,若是個人論壇只能選擇國外或是港臺空間,這是沒有辦法的,所以空間穩定后,才能談
Spatial stability better than anything, good space will let owners save half, often say a stable space is the key to the success of the site, I also think so, if you are the best choice for domestic enterprises, because enterprises for convenience. Personal website for some difficult, especially personal forum is more difficult, if the individual forum can only choose foreign or Hong Kong space, there is no way, so the space of stable, other aspects to talk about the website construction. Another is the choice of the domain name, now the good domain name or short domain name is very difficult to find, because short domain facilitates recognition of search engine, can better optimization and obtain the ranking.